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Home  »  Cooperative Economics and Management  »  CO-OPERATIVE AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT
Dec 15, 2023 No Comments ›› OpenBook



This study examines the contributions of co-operative towards agricultural development in Awka North L.G.A. The objectives includes to determine the socio-economic characteristics of members of the co-operative in the area, to identify the activities carried out by the co-operatives, examine the contributions of the co-operatives toward agricultural production and identified the constraints which hinders their contribution towards agricultural development efforts. Taro Yamani’s formular was used to determine the sample size of 197 respondents and descriptive statistics such as mean, percentage, frequency distribution and scale analysis were used to analyze data. The study revealed that co-operative societies in the area are engaged in crops, livestock and storage enterprises and that they provides credit facilities and supply farm inputs to their members. The study further revealed that mobilization of savings is among the contributions of the co-operatives towards enhancing agricultural production. In line with the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that the government should encourage the co-operative in the area of increase supply of credit from financial institution and improve on public enlightenment in order to bring about increased participation and involvement of small-scale farmers.



1.1     Background of the Study

Agriculture is the mainstay of Nigeria economy, the major occupation of the rural people. Its role in the socio-economic development of Nigeria cannot be over-emphasized. It provides employment for more than 80% of the Nigerian population. Umebali (2002) however pointed out that “despite the fact that more than 50% of the total labour force is involved in farming yet output is not enough to feed the ever increasing population” presently the population growth rate is higher than food production level.

The roles of co-operatives in agricultural development is an important topic of study and much has been done by scholars and co-operators to justify it prime role of securing economic and political development in the country. The improvement of agricultural production through co-operative has economic effect in that; co-operative enterprise brings better yield which in turn yield better standard of living for the members and their families.

In Anambra state, a good number of inhabitants survive through substantial farming; which attracted the formation of many co-operative, and their aim is to improve the agricultural production. In Awka North Local Government Area, co-operatives provide locally needed services and inputs to farmers, they also serve as a medium in which government distribute essential commodities and inputs needed by farmers for the facilitation of their output. Onugu and Uguwanyi (2007) noted that agricultural co-operative societies are involved in so many aspects of agricultural activities directed at giving farmer the support to rise their productivity and income level. In order to highlight the contributions of co-operatives towards the development of agriculture, this study was hence carried out.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

In the effort to improve the agricultural sector in Nigeria, the government embarked on various programmes some of which were listed by Iwuchukwu and Igbokwe (2012) as; National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) – 1999, National Special Programme of Food Security (NSPFS) – 2002 and the Root and Tuber Expansion Programme (RTEP) -2003. In 2005, it was recorded that agriculture contributed 6.8% out of 8.2% growth rate recorded by the entire non-oil sector (NEEDS, 2008) and about 41% of the gross domestic product (NBS, 2007). However, the alarming growth rate of Nigeria’s population of about 144 million at 3,2% per annum, which would doubled in less than 25 years if not checked (Oladipupo, 2008) is a challenge in a country where more than 90% of the agricultural output is accounted for by small-scale farmers. As such, these small-scale farmers who are characterized by low income, low resource utilization, small and scattered nature of farmlands will find it difficult to meet the teeming need of the increasing population.

Farmers have limited access to credit facilities as commercial bank officials who are aware of the risk-prone enterprises often refuse loan to these farmers. Most of the agricultural produce is lost owing to poor post-harvest handling, storage and processing methods.

This study is geared toward finding out the impact and how cooperative societies are helping to alleviate these problems and to bring about agricultural development in Awka North Local Government Area of Anambra State with reference to agriculture cooperatives societies.

1.3     Objectives of the Study

The broad objective of this study is to analyze the contributions of farmer’s co-operative societies on the improvement of agriculture.

Specifically, it has been designed to:-

  1. Determine the socio-economic characteristics of members of the co-operative societies in Awka North L.G.A
  2. Identify the type of activities carried out by the co-operatives in Awka North L.G.A.
  3. Examine the contributions of co-operatives to agricultural development in Awka North L.G.A
  4. Identify the constraints that hinders the contribution of co-operatives to agricultural development in Awka North L.G.A
  5. Make recommendation on the findings.

1.4     Research Questions

This study will be guided by the following research questions:

  1. What are the socio-economic characteristics of members of the co-operative society in Awka North L.G.A.?
  2. What are the activities being carried out by the agricultural co-operatives in Awka North L.G.A.?
  3. In what ways has the farmer’s co-operative contributed to agricultural development in Awka North L.G.A?
  4. What are the constraint that hinders the co-operatives in contributing to the development of agriculture in Awka North L.G.A?
  5. How can these problems be solved to ensure effective performance of the co-operative to the development of agriculture?

1.5     Scope of the Study

The study on the contributions of co-operative to agricultural development was carried in Awka North L.G.A in Anambra state involving some selected agricultural co-operative societies.

1.6     Significance of the Study

The study will be of good help to policy makers, the government and those who are interested in improving agricultural activities or forming agricultural cooperative activities by which people take place in formalized long-term, deliberate and to great extent, specified form in the social and especially economic  share of human endeavor.

1.7     Limitation of the Study

In an attempt to carry out this study, the researcher was faced with several constraints which include insufficiency of data, non-co-operative attitude of some members of the co-operatives visited resulting in their failure to deluge some vital information about their societies and how they do carry out their operations. The researcher was also handicapped by inadequacy of finance to take a more detailed research.

1.8     Definitions of Terms

Agricultural Co-operative:- Co-operatives involved in agro-allied activities.

Agricultural Mechanization:- A system whereby agricultural activities are carried out using heavy machineries which are attached to tractors such as harvester, plough, harrow, e.t.c.

Credit Facilities:- These refers to loanable funds provided by a financial intermediary used to enhance production activities.

Farm Input:- This refers to items used in planting and those that facilitate planting activities such as improved seeds, fertilizer, insecticides, pesticide, e.t.c.

Farm Implement:- This refers to simple tools used in agricultural activities, such as cutlass, hoe, wheel barrow, e.t.c.

Group Farming:- A system of collective agricultural practice by association of people with similar interest.

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