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Jan 14, 2024 No Comments ›› OpenBook



This study is about drug abuse habit among students in selected secondary schools in Giwa Local Government Area. These schools includes; Govt. secondary school Shika, Govt.  girls secondary school Giwa, Govt. secondary school Yakawada, Mallam Abdulkarim college of science and Arabic school Giwa. However, there is a total population of 3,328 students in all the secondary schools in Giwa L.G.A related by the ministry of education. 55 students were selected randomly as subject for study they were randomly selected based on the population of each school. Result from the finding shows that respondents agreed with fact that students that abuse drug get their sources from drug dealers and peer group, also result revealed that most secondary schools lack trained counselors to provide adequate orientation guidance and counseling programme to students. The study recommends that; there is an urgent need to train more guidance counselors in all secondary schools in order to make students be aware of guidance and counseling activities, and to reduce drug abuse among secondary school students, such as orientation, information and follow-up services to be given to students regularly.



1.1     Background to the Study

The prevailing wave of drug taking and abuse among youth and adults is now becoming a serious arises in schools and the society in general. But not everybody seems to give or attribute a coherent account of the real concrete reason that are leading toward these motives on drugs taking and abuse among secondary schools students.

The problem of drug abuse among secondary schools students are at alarming peak. Students engaged themselves in taking different type of drugs such as marijuana, quarter sewage, solution, Indian hemps, cocaine injection and even human fesses to get intoxicated.

Klats (1981) said that drugs abuse is not a new phenomena on confronting in Nigeria. He further explained that survey has shows that young people are using varieties of substance like barbiturates and epitomize etc.

Egbule (2002) stated that the beginning of 20th century will be a period of great anxiety whereby people mind and life will be dominated by frustration and anxiety which will lead to series of negative behavior especially adolescent, as a result of drug taking and abuse.

Ago Ugochi (1991) opined that, this problem ironically, has been on a steady increase despite all the campaigns, seminars and lectures that have been held in order to check this manners, which become like a monster that is fast spreading its tentacles.

Guidance and counseling will be of a great importance in helping students who engaged or indulged themselves in drugs abuse habit.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

The major concern of parent and the society is the alarming rate of drug taking and abuse among secondary school student. It has invaded home, education institutions, places of work, and individual classes of children. Even though with the wide spread of schemes trying to eradicate this habit and by cutting of drug supply, still no data has been shown that drug abuse has been stopped or eliminated. Hence this project will investigate the influence of guidance and counseling role on drug abuse. Research evidence indicated   that about eighty percent of the victims of this menace are boys and girls aged between years fourteen and twenty-five. Guidance and counseling to analysis in many secondary schools in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna state the problem well.

1.3     Objectives of the Study

The main objectives of this study are;

  1. To determine the effectiveness of guidance and counseling programmes toward analyzing drugs among students in secondary schools.
  2. To determine the source of drugs abuse among secondary school students.
  3. To identify the types of drugs used and abuse among Senior Secondary students.
  4. To determine if there is gender difference on the types of drug used and abuse among senior secondary school.

1.4     Research Questions of the Study

The research question of this research includes;

  1. Is guidance and counseling programme effective in reducing the menace of drug abuse among senior secondary school?
  2. What are the sources of drug abuse among senior secondary school?
  3. What are the types of drugs used and abuse among senior secondary school?
  4. Is there gender difference on the types of drug used and abused among senior secondary school?

1.5     Significance of the Study

The country is capable to producing great future leader that the society will be proud of them. The program will gear the society to achieve mutual and fundamental development, enhance socio-economic and political development.

Parents: parents are recognized as the first teachers and therefore have a profound influence upon human development. They should be made to realize that their children are entitled to basic human rights. As such the parents facilitative and supportive relationship to learning school be recognized in the educational partnership of home and schools.

Schools: schools teachers has to involve parents at strategic period in order to maximize students response to opportunities and to minimize their emotional outbursts. Teacher and schools administrator should be sensitive to the specific ways in which socio-economic status, sex types, schools types; the schools have to shows concerned on the shudrend behaviour.

Counseling: One of the goals or purposes of counseling in schools in mental health counseling psychotherapists elimination or minimization of anxiety, hostility, depression, felling of inferiority and inadequacy, is all about developing programme establish schools to theatres human activities for proper guidance of our youth. Such as youth clubs, should aim at de-emphasizing the use of drugs and emphasize those where young people can play useful roles in the society.     

1.6     Scope of the Study

The scope of the study covered all senior secondary school in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna state, this comprises (4) government school in Giwa Local Government girls secondary school,  government secondary school yakawada, Mallam Abdulkarim science secondary school Giwa such secondary schools are the selected school that, my concentration would look into.

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