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ISBN Barcode Image Generation

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ISBN Barcode Image Generation

ISBN is an acronym for International Standard Book Number. It is a 13-digit format used for a book title all over the world. That is, an ISBN per book. It is a system utilized to automate ordering and inventory systems for book publishers and also for  the monitoring of sales data in the publishing industry. This ISBN  can be obtained from an authorized organization in a country. It is free, but certain amount of fees must be paid as an administrative charge. So also for ISBN Barcode Image Generation. For every book published by OpenBook, ISBN Barcode Image Generation is free of charge. And for a self-published author with ISBN, you can buy a genuine barcode in different graphic file formats for your book from OpenBook Publisher in Kaduna at a reasonable price.

Barcode Price List

Quantity Price per Barcode
1 N12,168
2 N11,232 each
5 N9,360 each
10 N8,112 each


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