The project attempted to study Assessment of the Acquisition of Government Documents for Effective Utilization in Federal University of Technology Library, Minna. It aims is to identify the channels of acquiring government document. To identify the type of government documents available and relevant to the needs of the library and its users. The researcher used the survey method. The population of the study was 50 since it is impossible for one to study the whole size of the study. The data collection instruments was questionnaire and 50 questions were returned. Thus, the study shows clearly the publication law of 1964 has no binding effect on the government printers, ministries and departments seem not to know about the existence of the law since on one has been held for not depositing its publications. While trying in acquiring the government documents, many of them are considered secret documents and therefore not to be given out or sold out to the libraries or public. Recommendations were made on the finding that A handbook on the functions of the various department. They should be made available to the libraries to help them help them know from which department to obtain a particular publication when in doubts. Adequate funds should be made available for the acquisition of library materials including government documents because of their importance in the areas of meeting research needs of the users. Although some of the recommendations may require some feasibility study before implementation, but such recommendation as the mandatory preparation of official list of government documents can be tackled at once without any serious implication on the NLA and National libraries. Finally, effort should be exerted to see to these problems being addressed because of the important role of government information sources to researcher.
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Tagged with: Abstract, Acqusition, Assessment, Effective Utilization, Federal University of Technology, Government, Government Documents, Library, Minna, Project, The Project