The primary aim of this research is to access impact of reference services on students’ performance in ABU, Zaria. The research design adopted was the survey method using questionnaire as instrument for data collection. The population of the study comprised of the staff of the library and students of the institution totalling 250, but 40% of the population were the sample size representing 100 respondents. However, 100 questionnaires were administered to 100 respondents in which 4 were found missing and 6 found invalid. So the research used 90 valid questionnaires in the study. In the study, it was found that dictionaries, bibliographies and indexes are the types of reference materials use in Kashim Ibrahim Library. The study also identified some of the problems militating against efficient service delivery in Kashim Ibrahim Library such as lack of qualified personnel, inadequate funding, lack of current and rich information, and poor organization and arrangement. Also, it was contained in the study that solutions to these problems are employing qualified staff, providing enough funds, providing current materials, and proper and adequate organization arrangement. Recommendations were also given such as libraries should be stocked with diverse reference information resources especially other non-printed materials that can attract the users to the library.
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Tagged with: ABU Zaria, Impact, Kashim Ibrahim Library, Reference Services, Students' Performance