The primary aim of this research is to examine Students’ Patronage of Internet Facilities in E-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna Library. Five objectives guided the study from which the five research questions were formulated. The research design adopted was the survey method using the questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. The population of the study comprised all the undergraduate students totaling 13000. The sample size of the study is (388.06 approximately 388) representing 2.98% of the population (13,000). The 388 questionnaires were distributed, 350 were found valid representing 90.20%. The study was analysed using simple percentage. The study revealed that: E-mailing, surfing and downloading services and online database are the library internet services available; majority of the respondents are satisfied with level of accessibility of library internet services in e-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna Library, Niger State. Based on the findings conclusion was drawn and recommendations given that: Seminars and workshops should be organized for both the students and lecturers to constantly acquaint them on the benefits of internet usage; all students should be computer literate and internet conscious; all students and lecturers should be made to have an internet connectivity device.
1.1 Background of the Study
Students’ Patronage of Internet Facilities in E-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna Library is fast becoming very popular means of both research and education especially among students-users in the university. Traditional library systems are gradually becoming a thing of the past. These is observed as most libraries now rely and use the internet and other technologies in performing functions and services. Thus, access to information now stimulates change, creating an environment that makes learning meaningful and more responsive. Buttressing the assertion above, Oketunji (2016) stated that internet gives us access to a vast wealth of knowledge and access tools that facilitates research. The internet offers the opportunity to conduct remote classes, allow access to remote libraries, and create an environment innovative and cooperative learning experiences.
Today, internet connectivity has become a necessity. It allows tertiary institutions to leverage the teaching and learning process. This ensure brighter future for students as it provides access to information, helping to close the global information gap (Omagbemi, Akintola and Olayiwola, 2018). Furthermore, Oketunji (2016) submitted that the internet and other ICTs provide a golden opportunity for the provision of value-added services by libraries.The internet provides challenges to the formal educational system, it has fostered a collaborative approach to learning of traditional methods. Odenewu and Olasore (2019) submitted that it is useful for the following:
As an expert system
As reference resources
Allows communication with any professional colleague around the world
Permits access to libraries and library catalogues around the world.
Valuable information in electronic libraries, books, journals, magazines and newsletter is made available
Leiner et al (2016) said the word internet is derived, from two words ‘international’ and ‘network’. The internet can be defined as an international computer network of information available to the public than modern links.
With the students’ patronage of internet facility in e-library of FUT Minna Library, Kwesiga (2017) approved that academic performance of students is also influenced by the school in which they studied but he also said that the number of services of school offers usually determine the quality of the school which in turn affect the performance and accomplishment of its students. Also, Crosne and Elder (2018) noticed that school provision of services and access to resources such as computer and internet services enhances students academic performance ,adding that Academic Performance is the outcome of education to the extent to see a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. Therefore the outcome of education is the extent to which a student has achieved his educational goals.
Bossaert Doumen (2011) said an undergraduate degree (also called first degree, bachelor’s degree or simply degree) is a colloquial term for an academic degree taken by a person who has completed undergraduate courses. It is usually offered at an institution of higher education, such as a university. The most common type of this degree is the bachelor’s degree, which typically takes at least three or four years to complete. Universities play a vital role in the educational, scientific and technological progress of Nigeria. They are established to train and produce the technical manpower necessary for the execution of the Nation’s development plans, goals and strategies
It is in the light of the above that this research work will seek to assess Students’ Patronage of Internet Facility in E-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna Library, Niger State.
Historical Background of Federal University of Technology (FUT) E-Library Minna
Federal University of Technology Minna (FUTMINNA) is a Federal Government owned university located in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. The university specializes in technological education. It was founded in 1983 and the main campus Gidan Kwano which is sited on 10,650 hectares of land is located along the Minna – Kataeregi – Bida Road.
The University Library Services is on both campus of the University. The main campus library Gidan Kwano is called Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Library while the branch Library in Bosso campus is called Auwal Ibrahim Library.
The University Library now has a digitalized section connected with internet to cater for 200 students at a time. Through TETFund support, the University Library procured large volume of books and journals as well as subscribed to several online platform libraries with the aim of boosting research.
The Library is subscribed to different electronic resources database to enhance teaching, learning and research of the university community. The Library has over 80,000 collections of print resources made of books, periodicals and other materials.
The library provides 24/7 internet services to students and staff of the University which is powered by the Information Technology Services Unit. The library has over 350 desktop computers with internet connectivity to provide access to electronic resources for use by the university community. (
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The purpose of the study is to assess students’ patronage of internet use on e-library. This is to meet the gaps in the field of education about the falling standard of education. Researchers have attributed various reasons for this fall. In this age of internet services, it is observed that not much has been done to harness the potentials of internet library services in rescuing the situation.
Use of internet by students in tertiary institution for academic purpose is still low and in most cases non-existent. It is in view of this that the study tries to assess Students’ Patronage of Internet Facility in E-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna Library, Niger State.
1.3 Research Questions
The following research questions are formulated to guide the study:
What are the types of internet services available in e-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Library Minna, Niger State?
How satisfied are the students with the level of accessibility of internet services in e-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Library Minna, Niger State?
What is the level of students’ patronage of internet usage in e-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Library Minna, Niger State?
What are the problems affecting students’ patronage of internet services in e-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Library Minna, Niger State?
What are the strategies to remedy the problems affecting the students’ patronage of the internet in e-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Library Minna, Niger State?
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The primary objective of the study is to assess Students’ Patronage of Internet Facility in E-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna Library, Niger State. However the specific objectives are to:
Identify the internet services available in e-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Library Minna, Niger State.
Access the extent of satisfaction of students with the level of accessibility of internet services in e-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Library Minna, Niger State.
Identify the level of students’ patronage of internet services provided by e-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Library Minna, Niger State.
Examine the problems affecting the students’ patronage of internet services in e-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Library Minna, Niger State.
Determine the strategies to remedy the problems affecting the students’ patronage of the internet in e-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Library Minna, Niger State.
1.5 Significance of the Study
It is hoped that the findings of this study will be of significance to librarians, students-researchers and decision makers. The findings of the study will help the students to identify internet facility as a means of improvement in their academic performance. The findings of the study will also help libraries to know the satisfaction in the use of internet facility for academic purpose as well as the frequency of students’ patronage.
1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This study is limited to students (library users) in Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna, Niger State. Similarly, this study is assessing Students’ Patronage of Internet Facilities in E-Library of Federal University of Technology (FUT) Minna Library, Niger State, while other library services are excluded from the study. The study is limited by time frame, financial constraints and information resources.
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms
Academic Performance: This is the outcome of Education- the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals.
Internet Search Engine: This is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. It is generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine result pages (SERPS)
Internet Service: This allows us to access huge amount of information such as text, graphics, sound and software over the internet. A system must be connected to the worldwide web (www) before you can access the net.
Internet: This is also known as net. It is a worldwide system of computer networks that connects millions of computers together globally for communication.
Library Patronage: The support given by library user or patron.
Library Services: This refers to all such services that are provided by the library to its users.
Library Users: These are the persons that visits the library with the purpose of exploiting it resources to satisfy his information need.
Patronage: The support given to an organization by someone.
Surfing: This is the activity of moving from site to site on the internet.
Undergraduate: This is used to refer to a student that has not yet obtained a first degree.
University: This is an institution of higher education offering courses at degree level or below, especially in vocational subjects.
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Tagged with: Academic Performance, Internet, Internet Search Engine, Internet Service, Library Patronage, Library Services, Library Users, Patronage, Surfin, Undergraduate, University