This is a research project on information seeking behaviour of medical practitioners in government owned health centres in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State. The research was aimed at finding out the information needs and seeking behaviour of Medical Practitioners in Government Owned Health Centres in Chikun Local Government Area. The research adopted survey method of research due to the nature of the topic, the instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire, literature review, were on theories of information seeking behaviour, information needs and information seeking behaviour of medical practitioners, information sources of medical practitioners and problems medical practitioners face in accessing information. A sample size of 90 from a population size of 122 Local Government health workers working in 23 local government area in Kaduna State was used. The data collected were analysed and interpreted by means of tables and percentages, among the findings are that medical practitioners have needs for information, medical practitioners rely mostly on personal textbooks, periodicals, television broadcast and discussion with colleagues as method of getting information, among the recommendations are that establishment of Public Library Services in rural areas of Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Training of Medical and health practitioners on the method of information seeking should be put in place.
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Tagged with: Abstract, Behaviour, Chikun Local Government Area, Government Own Hospitals, Information, Medical Practitioners, Seeking