1.1 Background to The Study
The local government is viewed as a semi-autonomous area which is formed under the constitution or general laws of a state to carry out functions within specified geographical area. Agbakoba (2004), stated that the local government is an administrative and political unit that is vested with the powers under law to govern a specified locality. Its philosophy is entrenched on the idea of grassroots level participation in government.
Scholars and practitioners have indicated that local government are not only formed as representative arm of the state and federal government ,but as a means by which which goods and services are delivered to the people within the framework of enabling laws which established them.
Consequently it is the need to foster a balanced development in the rural areas and enhance the full participation of the rural dwellers that precipitate the establishment of the local government administration. The local government constitutes as a channel of administrative and political structure and facilitates national integration, rural commitment in governance, and a channel of fostering development at the grassroots. The local government is viewed as a co-partner with the state and federal government, Therefore the research seek to investigate local government administration as a panacea for rural transformation
1.3 Statement of the Problem
The rural populace is confronted with numerous developmental needs such as education, water, health care facility, good roads, electricity etc. This lack of basic amenities has constituted serious challenge to the living standard of the people resulting in poverty, poor health and living standard. Consequently the local government administration was instituted to serve as a bridge between the state and federal government in executing government development program at the local communities so as to enhance socio-economic development if the rural areas.
However according to Dare, (1989:38) The local government has not made the much needed significant impact towards the socio-economic development of the rural populace. He stated the much problems lies in the lack of provision of adequate funds to the local government. Also Ogunna (1980:44) identifies factors militating against the performance of the local government to include inadequate funding, poor executive capacity, poor and inadequate working equipment, staff incompetency and state government interference with its internal operations leading to excessive delays and bureaucracy. He therefore advocate for the review of the local government laws and regulation for a new reform to enhance a more effective local government administration. Therefore the problem confronting the research is to proffer an appraisal of local government administration as a panacea for rural transformation.
1.4 Objectives of the Study
- To find out the roles of local government administration towards the transformation of the rural areas.
- To determine what constitute the challenges confronting local government administration towards the transformation of the rural areas.
1.5 Research Hypothesis
Research hypothesis is a tentative and predictive answer to a question which issubjected to the power of verification and its formulation can be expressed in:
- mjNull Hypothesis (H0)
- Alternative Hypothesis (H1)
Since hypothesis is statistical method of testing the attributes of predictive condition, we can test the study under the following hypotheses:
H0: The impact of local government administration on rural transformation is low
H1: The impact of local government Administration on rural transformation is high
1.6 Significance of the Study
The study is particularly significant in view of the importance to develop the rural areas for socio- economic development. Consequently the study shall elucidate on the challenges mitigating rural development and proffer appropriate recommendation.
1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study focuses on the Appraisal of the Local Government Administration as a Panacea for Rural Transformation in Nigeria.
The research was confronted by some constraint including logistic and geographical factor.
1.7 Definition of Terms
Role: A role is the assigned duty to an employee or an institution
Local Government: Agbakoba (2004), stated that the local government is an administrative and political unit that is vested with the powers under law to govern a specified locality. Its philosophy is entrenched on the idea of grassroots level participation in government.
Transformation: Transformation refers to a gradual or rapid change in the socio-economic, political and cultural lives of the people living in a particular area.
Grassroots/Rural Development: The term grassroots development as used in this study refers to the act or process of developing and empowering the well-being of the vast majority of the rural dwellers through the provision of basic social and economic infrastructures.
Rural Dwellers: This are the people living in the rural communities of a country with lack of lack basic infrastructure and amenities .
Democracy: Democracy is the government of the people by the people and for the people. It implies that ultimate authority of government is vested in the common people so that the public policy is made to conform to the will of the people and to serve the interests of the people.
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Tagged with: Appraisal, Local Government Administration, Panacea, Rural Transformation