This study examines the international Television programmes preference among the female students of Kaduna Polytechnic. The study used College of Administrative Studies and Social Sciences to represent the population of the study. The study adopted survey method to carry out the study. Questionnaires were used as the instrument for data collection. The study’s findings and result and outcome were present in pie-chat. The study shows that international television programmes is more preferred by Kaduna Polytechnic female students. They perceive international programmes as positive. They will also prefer foreign stars as role models to local Stars. The quality of production of local television programmes is a major characteristic responsible for the students not preferring local programmes.
Television has a dual advantage of combining audio and vision. Television audience therefore better appreciate the reality of information on events or situation being shown to them (Abdullahi .D, Aliyu .S, Sanusi B, Bashir .A). In view of this, this research work is focusing on international television programmes preference among female students of Kaduna Polytechnic. The study has three dimensions.
First to study the behavioral pattern of female students of Kaduna Polytechnic towards international television programmes.
Secondly to collate the choice of progromme of the female students of Kaduna Polytechnic. As audience differ in their disposition of behavior, so it is with their choice of programmes. Some may want entertainment programmes such as sports, music, soap operas and so on. While others will prefer to watch thought vital programmes like News, current affairs, commentaries or documentary depending on their choice.
Thirdly station or satellite choice of programme. Nigerians as show by trends in Kaduna metropolis and its environment where international exports of television entertainment, information are shown in NTA, AIT, DITV. But expanded sports programmes network, music and soap opera channels provided by various satellite transmission operators such as DSTV, multi-choice, music television, Nilesat, Startimes, Mytv, Hitv and others, have raised Nigerians eyebrows to such international programmes.
Kaduna Polytechnic started as a technical institute Kaduna in 1956. It was redesignated Polytechnic Kaduna by the Northern Nigeria executive council at a meeting on 17th of august 1962. It later became Kaduna Polytechnic in 1968; the Institution was taken over by the Federal Government under decree number 40 of the same year (1968).
The Institution was established with the objective of providing diverse instructions, training, and research in technology, science, commerce, the humanities and programmes of in-science Instruction for members of the public service in Nigeria.
Kaduna Polytechnic outside Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria is known as the biggest higher Institution in Nigeria. It is also rated as the largest technical Institution in physical size and numerical strength of students and staff population and in number of programmes it runs. It’s a Polytechnic that runs on four campuses each campus is as big as many higher Institutions in the country.
The Institution is composed with students from all over the nation and other countries. Currently it has over 15,000 students under taking 138 programmes in 38 departments with staff strength of 2,963 (Academic and non-academic staff).
Before taking over by Federal government the Institution was financed by eleven Northern states which were created from the defunct Northern region. The Institution has spider as it Logo.
The Institution has five colleges, these includes:
- College of Business and Management studies (CBMS)
- College of environmental Studies (CES)
- College of engineering (COE)
- College of Science and Technology (CST)
- College of Administrative studies and social Science (CASSS)
Though social media is the latest and common trend of receiving information via facebook, Whatsapp, Twinter, etc. But television has been said to be a dependable means of communication, and it is a medium used to inform, educate, entertain etc., the populace However, some satellites fulfill these functions of the media more than some local television channels.
Secondly the inadequate policy to guard the youths towards international TV programmes. Thirdly is the warning away of our cultural values and imitation of Western cultures.
Therefore if the above problem is not taken care of it will lead to the collapse of our culture.
The objectives of this study are to find out the preference of international television programmes among female students of Kaduna Polytechnic. The kind of programmes they watch, why they watch these programmes, with an insight to determine its implication to the cultural values of Nigerian youths, to show how the content of international television programme affect students of higher institution and to examine its penetrating impact on the cultural values of students.
It is important to examine or to study or examine the programme preference among students, it will help government and policy makers to know how to check the movement of international television programmes into Nigeria. It will also help to remove the imitating of Western cultures among students. This study will help to know what makes some media credible for its messages to be influential on the public.
- What is the perception of international television programmes among the female students of Kaduna Polytechnic?
- Why do they prefer foreign programmes to locally produced ones?
- What are the effect of these programmes on them
- Will improvement of local TV programmes improve Nigerian student’s preference for local TV programmes?
The study will only focus on the female students of Kaduna Polytechnic viewing habit of international programmes and to find out how this international television programmes affects the cultural value of the students. In the cause of research questionnaires will be the major instrument to get response from students.
The constrain of this study is that there are inadequate books and projects conducted on the topic international television programme preference among female students of Kaduna Polytechnic.
Due to time constrain the researcher limited the study to college of Administrative studies and social sciences.
This research can be related to uses and gratification theory of Blumler and Katz.
Uses and gratification theory suggests that media users play an active role in choosing and using the media. The theorist says that media users seek out a media source to fulfill their needs. The theory postulates that media consumers have a free will to decide how they will use the media and how it will affect them.
Blumer and katz (1974) argued that audience needs have social and physical origins which generate certain expectation about mass media, leading to differential patterns, of media exposure which result in both the gratification of needs and in other consequences.
Klapper (1960) says the main mediating factors responsible for the functions and effects of mass communication are selective exposure; which is the tendency of people to expose themselves to those programmes and media message which are in agreement with their attitudes and interest. And
Selective perception and retention, means people’s inclination to organize the meaning of mass communication messages in accordance with their existing views, and retaining certain messages in ones mind ignoring others.
In relation to the study, it means that no matter what the choice of television programmes are among students, they don’t just go to the television but they go with a particular need to be fulfilled in their minds. This can be seen in the personal choice of programme or the selection of programmes. We select programmes out of the numerous ones available. We do not do this for only moods alone but to show empowerment or other social motives.
Nevertheless the choice of various programmes on the television for various needs has influenced student’s lives and how they view the world. It has also given birth to different responses and interpretation to media messages. The theory is also saying that the power of the media is still visible till data.
Preference: – According to oxford advanced learners dictionary it means the selection of one thing or person over others.
Television: – According to Abdullahi D,Aliyu .S,Sanusi .B,Hadi .A is a system of mass communication, involving the transmission of images and sounds to distant screens, by electronic means over electrical or fiber-optic transmission lines or by electromagnetic radiation (radio waves)
Media: – According to Dominick (2009) media is the plural of medium, referring to many mass communication channels.
Mass media: – According to Sambe are channels used by mass communication.
Selective exposure: – According to Wikipedia, it is the individual’s tendency to favour information which reinforces their pre-existing views while avoiding contradictory information.
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Tagged with: Female, Female Students, International, International Television Programme Preference, Preference, Programme, Students, Television