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Home  »  Religious Books  »  WHO IS THIS FOURTH MAN? …
Oct 3, 2019 No Comments ›› OpenBook

FOREWORD “WHO IS THIS 4TH MAN? And THE WONDERFUL NAMES OF JESUS CHRIST FROM GENESIS TO REVELATION” is a concise book in which the author explores the attributes of the names of God. To every name there is a meaning and the power in any name, good or bad, lies in the meaning.
There are only two things that are constant in reality; God and change. God by nature doesn’t and cannot change but His attributes can change or serve as a catalyst for change.
Knowing the names of God and His attributes helps a believer to tap from the realm of the supernatural an unending miracle. When you serve God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) and want to attract the supernatural for awesome performance, just pull the attributes of Jehovah God, which is in line with you situation and expectation and watch your miracle come to pass.
When Father Abraham was faced with the believable request by God to sacrifice his only son (Isaac) for Him (God), the unflinching faith in and love for the same God propelled him to invoke the attributes of God that he knew, Abraham knew that God is the creator and provider of all things and He will surely provide a ram for the sacrifice in place of Isaac. So he called on the specific attributes of God as: “Jehovah Jireh – God the Great Provider!” (Gen. 22:14).
God marveled at the love and faith of Abraham in Him as God had no reason for not agreeing with Abraham that he is the greatest provider, so He provided Abraham with a ram and Isaac was spared.
The concise book has more wonderful revelations that will cause you to take a spiritual excursion with God to know Him better through the attributes of His names and see the unfolding endless miracles in your life.
Welcome and God bless you!

Prof. Michael P. Musa
(Deputy Provost, WACCM)


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