This study investigated the use of internet by final year university undergraduates of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. A descriptive survey research design was adopted and questionnaire was used for data collection. The sample for the study was drawn from the population through multi-stage sampling whereby three (3) faculties were randomly selected and thereafter a total sample size of 250 students was drawn using random sampling techniques. A total of 232 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and analyzed using tables, percentages and frequency counts. Findings showed that majority of respondents indicated that internet facilities are available (93.5%) and accessible (84.9%) to final year undergraduates. It was also discovered that majority of the respondents access the internet at home (88.8%) for academic and research-related activities such as downloading of educational resources (82.3%) and socializing with friends (89.6%). Finally, it was revealed as indicated by majority of the respondents that inadequate computers/internet facilities in departmental computer laboratories (86.6%), difficulty in locating relevant information resources (78%), poor internet speed (73.7%) are among the challenges facing the use of internet by final year university undergraduates. It was recommended that internet facilities be provided for use in computer laboratories and that educational policy formulators and curriculum developers incorporate the use of internet into the university curriculum. Finally, the need for information literacy skills to be taught as a course and with a focus on information retrieval was advocated.
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Tagged with: Abstract, Final Year Undergraduates, Internet