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Impact of Workplace Design on Organizational Performance in WAEC, Lagos.

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Oct 24, 2019 No Comments ›› OpenBook


This study evaluated Impact of Workplace Design on Organizational Performance in WAEC, Lagos.  The main objective of this study is to examine impact of workplace design on organizational performance of WAEC, Lagos. Other specific objectives are identify the workplace design factors that can affect organizational performance,to check the extent to which good ergonomics practices  can improve  profitability of WAEC, Lagos, to ascertain the extent to which workplace design affect  productivity of employees and to establish the relationship between workstations and organizational performance. The population of the study was represented by total workforce of WAEC,Lagos. The population size was 105.The sample size was determined using Taro-Yamene’s Formular and it was 83.The actual sample size based on those that completed and returned their questionnaires was 75.The research design was survey and descriptive in nature. A structured questionnaire was designed and used to elicit information from the respondents. The use of structured questionnaire(research instrument) was necessitated by the fact that it generates high response rate and it has ability to reduce incidence of bias. A random sampling technique was adopted so as to allow all respondents actual chance of participating in the study. The reliability of the research instrument was tested using Cronbach’s alpha and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient obtained was 0.89.  This shows that the instrument is valid and reliable. The data obtained through the use of research instrument were analyzed using frequency and percentage. The hypotheses were tested using  chi-square(X2). Specifically, SPSS version 22 was used in data analysis. The major findings established were that workplace design factors that can affect organizational performance in WAEC Lagos are organizational culture, organizational structure, desk heights in relation to monitors and key boards, poor seating, lighting ,workflow, space within the workplace, way finding design and temperature amongst others, there is  significant effect of workplace design on organizational performance in WAEC, Lagos, good ergonomics practices can significantly improve   profitability of WAEC, Lagos, workplace design has significant effect on productivity of employees in WAEC and there is significant relationship between workstations and organizational performance in  WAEC. The review of extant literature has shown that workplace design has impact on productivity of employees which crystallizes in overall performance of the organization. This therefore follows that the environment in which the organization operates in terms of workplace can not be toyed with. The identified  workplace designed factors should be made in such away that they should provide the employees a better operating environment so that the work can flow freely for enhanced productivity. Based on the analysis of the data obtained in this study one can safely conclude that workplace design has significant effect  on organizational performance in WAEC. Lagos. It can also be concluded that workplace design affects the productivity of employees in WAEC, Lagos. Based on the conclusions drawn the following recommendations were offered organizations should more than ever before pay attention to their work environment because of the impact it has on their overall performance, they should be mindful of all the workplace design factors that can pose as constraints towards employees’ productivity and make sure they are put in the right perspective, to save costs that may result from  poor employees healthy conditions due to poor seating in relation to monitors and desktops, poor lighting etc, a good ergonomics practices are suggested and organizational culture, structure and issue of motivation should be made to facilitate increase in employees’ productivity so as to result to enhanced corporate bottom line.

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